United Church of God


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Total results: 20544.
by Harvey Wierenga
Grand Rapids, MI
We always talk about looking for sin in our lives, and then removing this sin, but how often do we think about how to properly guard ourselves from committing sins? It's important to know our adversary, and what his tactics and tools are...
by David Fitch
Grand Rapids, MI
How often do we consider the glorious purpose that God has prepared for us as His creation? Or think about God's desire to grow His family and how we play into that desire? In this message we will discuss some of these things and look at...
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
This message look at fundamental belief #3 Satan the Devil. It explores what the world at large believes about Satan and what the Bible says about Satan.
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
This message focuses on the United Church of God's fundamental belief #9 Water Baptism. It explores what the bible really says about baptism and its importance in the christian calling.
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
This message looks at fundamental belief #2 - The Word of God. It looks at what sets the Bible apart from every other book ever written and what the Bible says we should believe about it.
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
This message look at the first part of the fourth fundamental belief about Humanity, Nature of Man. Specifically it looks at what is meant by created in the image of God, potential to be children of God and partakers of the divine nature.
by Harvey Wierenga
Grand Rapids, MI
The Church holds this fundamental belief to be true based on God's Word, that repentance and faith go hand-in-hand. Today we'll go through how and why these two topics do connect with one another and should necessarily be split into two...
by Joe Greene
Milwaukee, WI
Let’s spend some time today making sure truly understand what sin is, where we struggle, and make sure we fully understand God’s law.
by Dan Dowd
Milwaukee, WI
Tithing is not just a financial obligation we have toward God. It is an acknowledgment of our obedience in His instruction and His promise to provide and take care of us.
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updates on our different websites.
On www.ucg.org Compass Check See video of home office weekly meeting. www.ucg.org/about/homeoffice/compasscheck.htm UCG Commentary on This Week's News Weekly commentaries by UCG...
by Victor Kubik
Indianapolis, IN
Victor Kubik examines what the purpose of the church is today, including equipping the Saints, provoking one another to good works, to edify the body of Christ.
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Local Congregations View a list of both U.S. and international UCG congregations at www.ucg.org/about/church.htm. You can also access many local congregation Web sites from this location. Good News...
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
This message looks the biblical evidence for the seventh day Sabbath as well as it being the Sabbath of The Lord our God.
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
The sermon explores Fundamental Belief #6 the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ and what it can tell us during the Passover season.
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
This message looks at the third part of the United Church of God's Fundamental belief #10 - The Sabbath. It explores the example that Christ and His Apostles gives us on how they kept the Sabbath Holy.
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
This message reviews the United Church of God's fundamental belief #7: Three Days and Three Nights. It looks at it in context of personally why this belief is important in our Christian Lives.
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
This message looks at the first point of United Church of God's Fundamental Belief #8: Repentance and Faith. It is focused on repentance, its core nature to the Christian Life and what true repentance is.
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
This message covers the first part of UCG's Fundamental Belief #5 Sin and God's Law. In part 1, the definition of sin, what the law is and the two great principles of God's Law are covered.
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
This message looks at the UCG Fundamental Belief #4 Humanity, Nature of Man from the perspective of man's relationship with immortality. It answers the question of do we have an immortal soul or is eternal life a gift of God.
United News
United News
On www.ucg.org
On www.ucg.org Compass Check See video of home office weekly meeting. www.ucg.org/about/homeoffice/compasscheck.htm UCG Commentary on This Week's News Weekly commentaries by UCG...
